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As far as we can tell, the problems we were having with the live streaming of Radio Baha'i, WLGI have been resolved. You can now stream with the TuneIn app on mobile devices, and the links on our Streaming page are now working correctly. If you continue to have problems, please send us an email and we'll try to get it sorted out for you.

Thank you for your patience.



We have received emails from a number of people letting us know about a problem with streaming. We made some changes over the weekend to improve our website, but in the process we broke the streaming. We are very sorry about this.

If you are using TuneIn to receive the stream, we are working with them to fix the problem as soon as possible. This may take several days, though.

If you are using a dedicated media player, or using your browser, the stream should still work. If not, please reconnect by clicking on and a new new tab will open and the live.m3u file will be downloaded. Find this file in your downloads and open it with your media player. Or, if you use your browser to listen, the file stream should start playing after a short delay.

We have updated our Streaming page and the links on it to reflect the recent changes.

Email us if you are still having problems, or call us toll free (in the US) at: 866-501-WLGI (9544)
