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If you watched the Super Bowl Sunday and saw the commercial showing a fight over cookies taking place in a library, you probably didn’t recognize the place if you have visited a public library lately. The library in the commercial consists mostly of books, chairs, tables and bookcase with hardly any computers in sight. Today’s libraries, by contrast, have many computers, e-readers and other technology that have transformed them into what they are often called in schools – media centers. On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Marilynn Lance Robb, manager of the Carvers Bay Branch of the Georgetown County Library, about their offerings and how the Digital Revolution has affected public libraries.

Insight airs Wednesdays and Mondays at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.


Food is the subject of the next edition of Insight: providing for those who are struggling to keep enough food on the table, and how to prepare delicious meals that are healthy and nutritious. While many people take for granted having sufficient nutritious food for themselves and their families, others aren’t quite as fortunate. That’s where the Harvest Hope Food Bank comes in. The food bank endeavors to provide food for those without enough of it “with dignity, compassion and education,” according to Nicole Echols, community development coordinator for Harvest Hope of the Pee Dee in Florence. She said the demand for food among the needy increases this time of year and her organization is struggling to keep up with the demand.

The incidence of diabetes is rampant in the Pee Dee and along the Grand Strand. In addition to talking with Nicole Echols, Bhakti Larry Hough spoke with Florene Linnen, of the Georgetown County Core Group. She gives suggestions on how to prepare tasty meals that are also nutritious and good for your health, especially people with diabetes and related diseases, such as high blood pressure.

Insight airs Mondays and Wednesdays at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and Midnight, on Radio Baha’i, 90.9 FM.


The primary purpose of adoption service is to help children who would not otherwise have a nurturing family of their own to become members of a family that can give them the care, protection, and opportunities essential for their healthy personal growth and development. There are 1,700 children in foster care in South Carolina for whom the SC Department of Social Services (DSS) is trying to find permanent families. The current edition of Insight features interviews with Sandra Kinley Belin of the DSS adoption office and the Rogers family, who recently adopted a four-year-old boy.

Monday, December 17th, at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, on 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.


The mission of the South Carolina African American Heritage Commission (SCAAHC) is to identify and promote the preservation of historic sites, structures, buildings, and culture of the African American experience in South Carolina and to assist and enhance the efforts of the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.   ...continue reading "Insight – South Carolina Heritage Commission"


South Carolina ranks 10th highest in the nation in the percent of its population with diabetes and approximately 1 in 8 African-Americans in South Carolina has diabetes – the 16th highest rate of diabetes among African-Americans in the nation. In observance of Diabetes Awareness Month, Bhakti Larry Hough interviewed Dr. Covia L. Stanley, Public Health Director of SC DHEC's Region 6, which includes Horry, Georgetown and Williamsburg counties, about the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes.  Click here to download the program. Below are the dates and time when the program airs on Radio Baha'i, 90.9 FM.

  • Sunday, 11/20, 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday night, 11/23, at midnight
  • Sunday, 11/27, 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday night, 11/30, at midnight