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Upcoming Programs and Topics, Aug. 9-12

Informational programs on Radio Baha'i are aired at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM and midnight, every day. Below is the schedule of programs and topics for the next few days.

Thursday, Aug. 9 - National Institutes of Health Research Radio

  • News Update
  • Advances in adhesive technology for joint replacements
  • Colleges and communities can reduce alcohol-related harm to students
  • Parents can help their child have a healthy school year

 Friday, Aug. 10 - Parents' Journal (repeat from last Saturday)

  • Topic: Make Your Backyard Play Area Safe 
  • Guest: Donna Thompson, Executive Director of the national Program for Playground Safety
  • Topic: The Power of Play in the Preschool Years 
  • Guest: Marueen Obrien, author of Watch Me Grow: I'm One-Two-Three

Saturday, Aug. 11 - Parents' Journal

  • Topic: Help for Kids with Sensory Processing Problems 
  • Guest: Dr. Lucy Miller author of Sensational Kids
  • Topic: Babies are Born Learners 
  • Guest: Nina Sazer O'Donnell, early childhood learning specialist

Sunday, Aug. 12 - Peace Talks

  • An inspiring story of a man who turned his grief over his slain son into action to teach nonviolence to school kids.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming Programs and Topics, Aug. 9-12

  1. Claude Barnes, Phd.

    Thank you for your wonderful music and programming. I spent 23 months at the prison camp of FCI Williamsburg in Salters, SC. One of the few points of light that helped me and many others survive the harsh conditions of prison life was being able to hear good music and thoughtful programs on your radio station.

    Claude Barnes, PhD.

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