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"The Gardener, the award-winning film from Iranian director Mohsen Makhmalbaf, is now available for free viewing online, according to the Baha’i World News Service. The film, which debuted at film festivals in 2012, is set in the gardens at the ‪#‎Bahai‬ World Center and explores the power of faith and the role of religion in society."
Read the story here:

via Baha'i Office of Public AffairsOpens in a new window

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Radio Baha'i, WLGI Coverage Area

Three recent articles about the Baha'i Faith being the 2nd largest religion in South Carolina have recently been published, based on data from the  2010 U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership StudyOpens in a new window. These articles do a great job explaining why Radio Baha'i, WLGI is in South Carolina.

The Charleston City PaperOpens in a new window

The Charleston Post and CourierOpens in a new window

NPROpens in a new window

Looking deeper into the Religion CensusOpens in a new window study, the highest concentration of Baha'is in South Carolina are in the counties that Radio Baha'i reaches: Williamsburg, Florence, Darlington, Dillon, Marion, Horry, and Georgetown.

And, that's why Radio Baha'i, WLGI 90.9 FM is in Northeastern South Carolina.

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