We were able to greatly improve the sound of Radio Baha'i over the past week, both on air and streaming, and we brought back the RDS data on your radio by replacing several pieces of equipment that were old and not performing well any more.
We now have a much better sound on air and in our live stream. The station is more crisp sounding, more open, and with some serious thump to it. The vocals are clear and sharp, and the announcers are easier to understand.
We also have greatly improved our ability to send out the song data to your RDS capable car radio, if you have one. We had some of this capacity before, but it was limping and it finally broke. You can see the song title and artist, and find our basic contact information: phone number, website, and email (on some radios you may need to press the Message button to see this). If your radio allows it, we can also keep your car's clock on accurate time.
We are also slowly building our capacity for staying on the air, both streaming and broadcast, when there is a power outage. We won't be able to manage full transmitter output on backup power, that would take a seriously large and expensive generator. In a few weeks, though, we'll be able to continue to live stream on the Internet without interruption, and within a year or so, we'll be able to run a low power transmitter for over the air broadcasts in emergencies.
Please tell us what you think of the new sound and RDS data on Facebook and Twitter.