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Friday, March 21st, is the Baha’i New Year, or Naw Ruz, as well as being the first day of Spring, and it’s a great time to start something new. New flowers, new leaves, and new and improved programming!

The changes to our programming include new, fresh music, improved  music mix, and  some new programs. But don’t worry, we aren’t changing all of  the music -- we’ll still sound like Radio Baha’i, playing a mix of R&B, Contemporary Gospel, some Traditional Gospel, and Jazz. We’ll still have prayers at the top of the hour, Insight, Peace Talks, Drum Beat, etc.

Each of us is, in reality, a spiritual being living in a material world. Our constant test in life is trying to harmonize the spiritual and material aspects of our lives. Radio Baha’i wants to be your spiritual supporter, one of the places that you go to recharge your batteries, to feel better about yourself, to help you deal with the challenges this life throws at you. We can’t replace personal prayer and meditation, reading the Holy verses, and service to others, but music can be a ladder for your soul. That’s what our changes are all about – becoming better at holding that ladder for you.

Listen and tell us what you think, or at least. We want to know what you like, what you don’t like, and what you think we can improve.

When you listen to Radio Baha’i, even for a few minutes, we want you to feel better about your day, to feel happier, to feel inspired to do the right thing, to feel encouraged, and to smile at those who cross your path!


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