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The recent economic downturn caused many homeowners to lose their homes and left many others struggling to keep up with their mortgages. The government has provided some assistance to help citizens keep their homes as homeownership is considered the bedrock of a stable society and family economic well-being. In 2010, the U.S. Department of the Treasury in partnership with the SC State Housing Finance and Development Authority and the SC Housing Corp., made more than $295 million available to help eligible SC homeowners recover from and avoid serious first mortgage delinquency and foreclosure. The funds, which do not have to be repaid by eligible homeowners, were awarded under the Treasury Department's Hardest Hit Fund program and are being distributed through a program called SC Help. Unfortunately, and surprisingly, much of the $295 million has gone untapped in SC. On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Charlena B. Johnson of Higher Heights Family Services, LLC, of Georgetown, a SC Help-approved processing agency. Johnson explains the program and how homeowners can apply for assistance.

For more information about SC Help, visit:

Insight airs on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., 7 p.m. and midnight.

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