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New Program on Radio Baha’i: 2goodHEALTH4life

Host Amy Edmunds recording one of the interviews.

Do you think that a stroke can only happens among the elderly?  Listen on Tuesday to the first edition of 2goodHEALTH4life to learn how stroke is, in fact, multi-generational as Host Amy Edmunds introduces you to Carolinians who experienced stroke as infants, young adults and the elderly. This program unfolds their personal devastation imposed by stroke.

2goodHEALTH4life is hosted by Executive Producer, Amy Edmunds, Lecturer of Health Promotion at Coastal Carolina University and Founder of YoungStroke, Inc., a local non-profit organization; and is produced by the Caught on Tape Productions team of Carole O’Neill and Jim Eberwein.

Among the featured guests for the first program in this new series are: Nellie Hilton who is from just down the road from the station, and the wife of Radio Baha’i’s Operations Manager, Ernie Hilton; Meredith Harper of Columbia; and Mary Kay Ballasiotes of Charlotte.

Nellie Hilton being interviewed for 2goodHEALTH4life.

2goodHEALTH4life, is a brand a new locally produced program that will debut on Tuesday, October 9th and airs on 90.9 FM at 10:00 am, 7:00 PM, and midnight. It replaces our repeat of the NIH Research Radio program, which will now air on Thursdays only.

The program production team would like to hear from you about your thoughts on the program, both feedback on what you’ve heard, but also questions you’d like to have answered, or suggestions of people that you think they should interview. So, please send them an email, call, or comment on their website,, or on our website, Facebook page, or by email at

The program is produced as both a radio program, and a video podcast. You can view the video at Or, download the podcast from our website.

Meredith Harper and her mother during the interview.

2goodHEALTH4life will air every Tuesday at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight on Radio Baha’i, 90.9 FM.

