Sunday, March 20th is Naw Rúz, the Baha’i New Year’s Day. The Baha’i New Year is on the same day as the spring equinox, March 20th, the first day of spring. For Baha'is, Naw Ruz marks the end of the annual 19-Day Fast and is one of the nine holy days of the year when work is suspended, if possible. As a result, there will be no one working in the Radio Baha’i studios on Sunday.
We will air a special Naw Rúz program at 7:30PM Saturday, 12Midnight, and 10:00 AM on Sunday the 20th. Please join us for a joyous celebration in songs, prayers and readings.
To satisfy your curiosity, here is a link to several online posts about Naw-Ruz:
And here are some links about the Badi Calendar, the official name of the Baha'i Calendar):
When you meet one of your Baha’i friends on Sunday, wish him or her a Happy Naw Rúz! Or, post Happy Naw Rúz greetings on the Facebook Wall of your Baha’i friends, or Tweet them.
Happy Naw Ruz!