Radio Bahá'í did four live remote broadcasts from three events in our broadcast area, on Saturday, April 20th, in Conway, Hartsville and Florence, South Carolina.

First up, Greg Kintz was at the River Read Festival in Conway, where he did two live interviews, one with event organizer, Conway City Councilwoman Barbara Blain-Olds, and the other with renowned low-country artist Jonathan Green. The River Read Festival included a character parade, mass reading of a book, a poetry slam, lots of vendors, a children's corner that included books being read by area celebrities (including Conway's own first responders), and much more.

A little later, Bhakti Larry Hough was live from the Earth Day Celebration in Hartsville, SC, where he interviewed Mal Hyman, co-director of the event and professor at Coker College. The College sponsored this annual Earth Day Celebration at Kalmia Gardens. Activities included music, art, canoeing, environmental displays, discussions with professors, crafts and games for kids and presentations on falconry, beekeeping and sustainable agriculture. Bhakti also participated in a drumming circle as part of the event.

And finally, Bhakti drove to Florence where he did a live remote broadcast from the Annual Health Fair at The Steps and Stops Holistic Center at Cumberland United Methodist Church in Florence, interviewing the event organizer, Reverend Anthony Hodge. The second annual health fair promoted healthy living, with an emphasis on healthy eating. Azziz Mustafa, a Sumter organic farmer was the featured presenter. He spoke of the need for a sense of urgency about searching out healthy foods and/or growing some of one’s own food to avoid chronic illnesses brought on by diets heavy in processed foods or those grown with chemicals of various kinds. Massages and blood pressure checks and other health screenings were also offered at the health fair.