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Insight on Williamsburg County Strategic Planning

The unemployment rate in Williamsburg County has hovered around 12 percent in recent years. That’s 16th highest in the state. Also, this summer the county’s school district received a failing grade on the elementary and middle school end-of-year Palmetto Assessment of State Standards (PASS) test. Those are some of the reasons the county is engaged in a strategic planning process that County Supervisor, Stanley Pasley, and county residents hope will help to bring new industry and jobs to the County and improve the County overall. The County hired a strategic planning firm, Boyette Strategic Advisors, of Little Rock, AR, to lead the development of the plan. Over the past few months, the County has held a town-hall-type “visioning” session during which citizens shared what they’d like to see emphasized in the plan. Residents were also able to offer input online, but that option is no longer available. The first phase of the plan is expected to be ready for review by late October or early November. On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough, interviews Pasley about the strategic planning process.

You can hear Insight every Wednesday and Monday, at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.
