Radio Baha'i, WLGI is back up to full power as of late afternoon Monday. The air conditioner was replaced with an excellent unit that should last for years, and it is doing a great job of cooling. In fact, I may need to keep a jacket in the transmitter building now.
The silver lining of operating at very low or low power for 3 weeks is that it pushed us to launch online streaming. So now, if you live within our broadcast area you can listen on a regular radio, listen on your computer at home or at work, or listen on your smart phone or tablet. So many choices!!
If you live or travel outside of the FM coverage area, then take us with you via online streaming.
Please spread the word that we are back on the air at full power, and that your friends and family can listen to us online as well, wherever in the world they are (as long as they have Internet access, and some kind of computer or mobile device).

Warmest greetings!
I just sent an email to Phil in South Africa, which should help in getting out the word that you are now on the Internet. The prayer for patience and tranquility that I taught a few people while I was there? I have used it a lot while waiting for you to make good on your promise to make your programming available to me wherever I go. It never occurred to me to threaten mayhem to get you guys on the ball, and now it is too late to use threats (said with a grin).
By the by, is the Ford backhoe still where I parked it? Or did someone get it stuck in the garden again? (No, not I. When I get things stuck, I do it in a big way.) For the record, here is a copy and paste of the text of my email to Phil. (Yes, I did send him links as well.)
Hi Phil!
I've been waiting for this for literally years. Radio Baha'i is on the Internet. Maybe if I had thought to threaten to come back down once again and once more bury their backhoe well over the axles and, just like the last time, do it a mile back in the swamp, they might have done it sooner (said with a grin). But now I do not have to threaten mayhem. I can just sit back, relax, listen and enjoy.
Some people claim all faith is blind, but my faith is a carefully considered, carefully reasoned and very reasonable, rational and defensible faith. Were atheist Stephen Roberts (1901-1971) standing in front of me this moment, I would say back to him, “I contend that we are both men of faith. I just have faith in one more thing than you do, and for very good reason. When you fully understand why I disdain all the devisers of superstitions and dismiss the gods of vain imaginings, you will understand why I believe in my God, and you will believe also." -- B. Knott Wildered (Not my real name, but the quote is mine.)
"Wildered" is an archaic word meaning to mislead or to be misled, ergo my nom de plume simply means do not be misled.
Quick note, in response to another comment: I sometimes very intentionally use the very valid claim that the Baha'i Faith is the world's second-most widespread religion simply because it gets attention, fully expecting there will be those who object to it or question it. That has led to dialogues that might not have happened otherwise. But that fits my style and may not fit well with others. When it comes to being a Baha'i, I am anything but bashful. In fact, I may well have the biggest mouth of any Baha'i you will ever meet. Did I get your attention? Good! Now, let's talk ....
The Baha'i Faith, uniting the world one heart at a time.
I cannot help but wonder, whose heart will be next? Yours, perhaps?