The air conditioner at the transmitter building has gone out, and therefore we had to turn the transmitter off over night last night. We are back on the air now, but at very low power. If you live or are traveling within about 25 miles of the station, you should be able to receive us. That should include, based on our estimates: Lake City, Socastee, Conway, Galivants Ferry, Pamplico, Andrews, Georgetown and Murrells Inlet.
At around 12:30 PM on Tuesday, the transmitter shut itself down because it had gotten too hot. We discovered the air conditioner compressor had died - the one we replaced last year. We operated for the afternoon and early evening at very low power - so some of you couldn't tell, others had poor signal, and the rest had nothing. We had to shut down the transmitter when we had to close the transmitter building doors for the night - too many bugs to keep them open.
We are scrambling to get a heating/air conditioning contractor to replace the unit, which was planned for this month anyway. We are also looking at how we can stay on the air overnight at low power until that is accomplished.
We will keep you updated here on the website, on Twitter @RadioBahai, and on Facebook.