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In recent years, an interfaith environmental movement has emerged; faith communities are issuing and responding to calls to action on environmental issues such as climate change. Those involved in this interfaith movement believe that the environment, climate change in particular, is not just a scientific issue, but also a spiritual issue, a moral imperative. So, these groups have embraced and are advancing the cause of sustainable development. The Baha’i Faith is among the faiths actively involved in the movement. Among the leaders of this effort - in the Baha’i Faith in particular and in interfaith circles in general - is Peter Adriance, who is the Representative for Sustainable Development in the Baha’i Office of Public Affairs in Washington, DC.

Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Mr. Adriance in the current edition of Insight. He also speaks with Teresa Eickel, Executive Director of the Interreligous Eco-justice Network of Hartford, Conn. Her organization held a Climate Stewardship Summit last week that drew representatives from more than 20 faith groups.

Insight airs Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. 7 p.m., and midnight.

You can listen to or download the show on Soundcloud here:

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On October 1, big changes are coming to the nation's healthcare system, as the government opens its online marketplace, or 'exchange,' for purchasing health insurance. On this edition of Insight, Radio Baha'i's Bhkati Larry Hough, Greg Kintz, and Colin Hill discuss how that will affect South Carolinians, how much care the plans provide, and why uninsured people should consider buying coverage.

Insight airs Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., 7 p.m. and midnight E.T. You can also listen to the full show here.

More information

Here's a good video from the Kaiser Family Foundation that explains what health insurance will be like after the reforms go into effect: has useful information and a tool to determine what kind of options will be available Marketplace after October 1. The AARP also has an easy-to-use fact sheet.


If it weren't for the thousands of clinical trials involving human participants that medical researchers conduct every year, there would no way to know if new drugs or methods of treatment would be safe and effective for use by humans. More than 3,000 clinical trials have been conducted in South Carolina since 1999. However, the rates of participation in trials for African Americans and other minorities are very low, and medical authorities in the state and around the nation are working to increase participation by African Americans and other ethnic minorities. Among them is Dr. Marvella Ford, associate director of cancer disparities at the Hollings Cancer Center at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston. Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Dr. Ford on the current edition of Insight.

For more information about clinical trials, visit:

Insight airs Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., 7 p.m. and midnight.


Agriculture and forestry together represent the top revenue-generating industry in South Carolina, according to Clemson University agronomist and biomass specialist, Jim Frederick. Corn, cotton, tobacco, and soybeans have historically been the top-producing revenue crops in the state, with the Pee Dee and other regions on the Coastal Plain considered the bread basket for production. New agribusinesses and bioenterprises are needed to boost the rural economies of South Carolina. The I-95 Corridor, which runs through the heart of the Coastal Plain, is considered an area of great need due to its high poverty rates, poor quality of education, and high unemployment. To address these problems, coordinated efforts are needed to attract new industries to the I-95 Corridor, especially those associated with agriculture and forestry, the traditional backbone of most rural economies. Many agencies and organizations in South Carolina are interested in seeing the I95 Corridor improve and attract new agribusiness and bioenterprises.

To help address these issues, Clemson University, Francis Marion University, and Florence-Darlington Technical College will host the free, two-day Bioenterprise and I-95 Rural Economic Summit on Sept. 19 and 20 at the Pee Dee Research & Education Center in Florence.

Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Professor Fredrick, the summit coordinator, about the summit on the current edition of Insight.

 The summit is free and open to everyone on a first to register basis. Information about the summit, including the agenda, registration instructions, becoming an exhibitor, and directions, can be found at



Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, points to A New Way of Life Re-Entry Program in South Los Angeles as a model for the kind of bold initiative needed to build what she calls a "new underground railroad" -- a network of families, faith communities, and organizations dedicated to providing desperately needed support and love to those newly released from prison. A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad: Making a Break for Freedom During the Era of Mass Incarceration is a 29-minute radio documentary that weaves together the voices of Michelle Alexander, Susan Burton (founder of A New Way of Life), and five residents of this remarkable re-entry program for women, showing the human face of those society stigmatizes as "criminals" and illustrating the essential role of the emerging "new underground railroad" within the growing movement to dismantle the U.S. system of mass incarceration. More information available here.

Listen to A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad on Radio Baha’i on Thursday, September 5th and on Thursday, September 12th, at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.
