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In the early 70s, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) student Thaddeus John Bell was "angry, hurt, upset" upon learning of the wide health disparities between African Americans and the poor and the general white population and vowed to do something about it.

Today, Thaddeus John Bell, MD, is a family practice physician in Charleston and arguably the state's leading crusader in the fight to erase those disparities. He is the founder and CEO of Closing the Health Gap, Inc., a lowcountry nonprofit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to addressing health disparities.

On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Dr. Bell about his life and work.

The program airs Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 a.m., 7 p.m. and midnight.




Ernest A. Finney, Jr. being sworn in as Chief Justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court in 1994.

Ernest A. Finney, Jr., of Columbia embodies living history. He was the first African American chief justice of the South Carolina Supreme Court, when he was elected to the position in 1994. Also, he was the first African American to be a circuit judge in SC, and he represented the Friendship Nine of Rock Hill during the sit-in movement in SC in the 1960s.  On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough conducts part one of a two-part interview with Finney.

Part one will air on Wednesday, February 27th and Monday, March 4th. Part two will air Wednesday, March 6th and Monday, March 11th.

More information on Ernest Finney is available from: Wikipedia and a blog by Bobby Rettew.


Mrs. Wilhelmina P. Johnson, Executive Director - CRC INC.

For 40 years, the Cultural Realism Complex (CRC) in Darlington has served Darlington County with a variety of programs for youth and community development and historic preservation. The force behind CRC is Wilhelmina P. Johnson, a retired educator and Darlington County Councilwoman, who started CRC as Cultural Realism Charm in 1973. Bhakti Larry Hough interviewed Johnson about CRC and African American history in general on the current edition of Insight.

Insight airs Wednesdays and Mondays at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha’i.


Joseph McGill early in the morning at Sotterly Plantation. Click on the photo to see the video.

Joseph McGill, Jr., a native of Kingstree now living in the Charleston area, eats, breathes and sleeps African American history - literally. McGill is the founder of the nearly three-year-old Slave Dwelling Project, during which he has slept in 38 former slave cabins in 12 states to draw attention to the existence of the structures and to pay tribute to his enslaved ancestors. In March, McGill will sleep in a former slave dwelling at Hopsewee Plantation in Georgetown County. Bhakti Larry Hough interviews McGill about the Slave Dwelling Project on the current African American History Month special edition of Insight.

The slave dwelling at the Sotterly Planation. Click on the photo to see the video.

Here are some links to more information about the Slave Dwelling Project:

PreservationNation Blog


Lowcountry Africana

This edition will air Monday, 2/18, at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight on 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.


If you watched the Super Bowl Sunday and saw the commercial showing a fight over cookies taking place in a library, you probably didn’t recognize the place if you have visited a public library lately. The library in the commercial consists mostly of books, chairs, tables and bookcase with hardly any computers in sight. Today’s libraries, by contrast, have many computers, e-readers and other technology that have transformed them into what they are often called in schools – media centers. On the current edition of Insight, Bhakti Larry Hough interviews Marilynn Lance Robb, manager of the Carvers Bay Branch of the Georgetown County Library, about their offerings and how the Digital Revolution has affected public libraries.

Insight airs Wednesdays and Mondays at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.
