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Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, points to A New Way of Life Re-Entry Program in South Los Angeles as a model for the kind of bold initiative needed to build what she calls a "new underground railroad" -- a network of families, faith communities, and organizations dedicated to providing desperately needed support and love to those newly released from prison. A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad: Making a Break for Freedom During the Era of Mass Incarceration is a 29-minute radio documentary that weaves together the voices of Michelle Alexander, Susan Burton (founder of A New Way of Life), and five residents of this remarkable re-entry program for women, showing the human face of those society stigmatizes as "criminals" and illustrating the essential role of the emerging "new underground railroad" within the growing movement to dismantle the U.S. system of mass incarceration. More information available here.

Listen to A New Way of Life and the New Underground Railroad on Radio Baha’i on Thursday, September 5th and on Thursday, September 12th, at 10:00 AM, 7:00 PM, and midnight, at 90.9 FM, Radio Baha'i.


How times have you seen a driver texting while driving? You probably wondered if they were paying attention to what was around them. It literally takes less than a second of being distracted by your phone for a terrible accident to happen. Please watch this video and share with others so that everyone can see how devastating a moment of distraction can be. You think it won't happen to you, that you are aware of what's around you, that you'll just send this quick text, no one is around, but... watch this to see what is happening way too often.


Many people have asked us about putting our playlist on air. We are currently testing and experimenting with an online playlist service called Spinitron that does just that. Eventually, the playlist will be incorporated into our website, but in the meantime you can find it here. We are working on getting all of the song data updated so that all songs will display the song title, artist, and record label. Give us a few weeks to get that process completed and then you'll be able to see everything we play.

Since this is a test, we would appreciate your feedback. You can either leave that here under this post, send it to by email at, or leave your thoughts on our Facebook page.

Once on the WLGI Spinitron page, there are a number of helpful places you can go:

  • The Current playlist is the landing page for link above, and is available in the navigation box on the left from any of the WLGI pages on Spinitron. This will display most of the songs that have played in the current show.
  • To find songs that played on an earlier show, or on another day, simply click on the date in the small calendar in the left-hand navigation box, look for the show or time frame that you heard the song, and then look for the particular time and you'll find the song - if we have the data entered for it.
  • Another option to look for songs, or to just browse what was aired, is to click on Program schedule in the navigation box. Then you can select which show you want to see the playlists for, and then click on the date.
  • A whole other way to look at the playlist is by Artists, Disks, or Labels. These links are also in the left-hand navigation box. This way you can look to see what songs we play from a particular artist.

Please tell us what you think and how we might be able to make this better.



Good news overall - our phone system is back up, no damage from Andrea, at least so far.

Our phone system was back on line Thursday afternoon after some new replacement equipment arrived. It is great to be connected again.

We stayed on the air all night through the worst of Andrea, which means the electricity stayed up too. The station is in a very rural area and we often lose power with strong winds - a tree somewhere seems to always fall. And so far, with the storm mostly past us, there have been no problems. As I write this, in fact, the sun is shining.


Insight #64 This edition of Insight is about the Five Years Too Many campaign featured in our previous post of yesterday. Host, Bhakti Larry Hough, interviews Anthony Vance, Director of the US Baha'i Office of Public Affairs, and  Iraj Kamalabadi, the brother of one of the ad hoc leaders that are in prison in Iran. The program also includes excerpts from the Five Years Too Many event held May 6th in Washington DC: Rainn Wilson, actor (Dwight Schrute, from the TV program, The Office) and Roxana Saberi, journalist and author, who was imprisoned in the same cell as the two female members of the Yaran. This edition is longer than normal due to the nature of the topic. A higher quality version of the program, can be downloaded here, but its 56MB. To listen to the program, simply click on the link at the top of the article, or the higher quality version, or right click on the links and download the files.
