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Radio Baha'i, WLGI is back up to full power as of late afternoon Monday. The air conditioner was replaced with an excellent unit that should last for years, and it is doing a great job of cooling. In fact, I may need to keep a jacket in the transmitter building now.

The silver lining of operating at very low or low power for 3 weeks is that it pushed us to launch online streaming. So now, if you live within our broadcast area you can listen on a regular radio, listen on your computer at home or at work, or listen on your smart phone or tablet. So many choices!!

If you live or travel outside of the FM coverage area, then take us with you via online streaming.

Please spread the word that we are back on the air at full power, and that your friends and family can listen to us online as well, wherever in the world they are (as long as they have Internet access, and some kind of computer or mobile device).

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We have some good news for you! The air conditioner for our transmitter building is being replaced Saturday (9/28). If all goes well with the installation, we should be back on the air at full power by the end of the day. If not, we will be off the air until Monday afternoon. We will be off the air completely while they are working in the building, but we will continue our online streaming. Click here to find out how you can set up streaming on your computer, smart phone or tablet.

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Radio Baha'i is now streaming! There are several ways to listen to Radio Baha'i using an internet connection.

On a computer: Download this file and open it in a program such as WinampVLC, or iTunes.

On a smart phone or tablet: Download the free TuneIn app from iTunes, Google Play, or the Windows Phone Marketplace and search for 'WLGI.' TuneIn is available for most smartphones and tablets.

Let us know if you have any problems in the comments below, via email, or call us.

Remember, we recently wrote about Online Playlist Testing. The best place to find our current and historical playlists are at Spinitron. The article gives some ideas on how you can use the Spinitron playlist.


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The air conditioner at the transmitter building has gone out, and therefore we had to turn the transmitter off over night last night. We are back on the air now, but at very low power. If you live or are traveling within about 25 miles of the station, you should be able to receive us. That should include, based on our estimates: Lake City, Socastee, Conway, Galivants Ferry, Pamplico, Andrews, Georgetown and Murrells Inlet.

At around 12:30 PM on Tuesday, the transmitter shut itself down because it had gotten too hot. We discovered the air conditioner compressor had died - the one we replaced last year. We operated for the afternoon and early evening at very low power - so some of you couldn't tell, others had poor signal, and the rest had nothing. We had to shut down the transmitter when we had to close the transmitter building doors for the night - too many bugs to keep them open.

We are scrambling to get a heating/air conditioning contractor to replace the unit, which was planned for this month anyway. We are also looking at how we can stay on the air overnight at low power until that is accomplished.

We will keep you updated here on the website, on Twitter @RadioBahai, and on Facebook.

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We are back on the air, but at very low power. If you live or are traveling within about 25 miles of the station, you should be able to receive us. That should include, based on our estimates: Lake City, Socastee, Conway, Galivants Ferry, Pamplico, Andrews, Georgetown and Murrells Inlet.

The air conditioner is still broken down and we are waiting for a replacement. We have put in place a very temporary solution that will only allow us to operate the transmitter at very low power at least during the day. We are working on an overnight solution.

We will keep you posted here, Facebook, and Twitter @radiobahai.

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